Flores Landscape Corp
Flores Landscape Corp


Welcome: By accessing or using Flores Landscape Corp website, you agree to these Terms & Conditions. Disagreement means you should not use our site.

Updates: Flores Landscape Corp may change these Terms. Your continued use means you accept any changes. Check regularly for updates.

Age Requirement: Users must be 18 or older.

Intellectual Property: Except for your content, all rights on this site are Flores Landscape Corp or our licensors. Viewing our materials is permitted, but limits apply.

Usage Restrictions: You must not:

  • Republish our content elsewhere.
  • Sell or sublicense our content.
  • Perform or display our content publicly.
  • Harm or impair our website's functionality.
  • Violate laws or harm others using our site.
  • Engage in data mining or similar activities.
  • Use our site for advertising without permission.

Access Limitations: Flores Landscape Corp may restrict access to parts of our site. Keep your login details confidential.

Your Content: Anything you display on Flores Landscape Corp site grants us a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to use it across media. It must be legally yours and not infringe on others' rights.

No Warranties: Flores Landscape Corp website is provided "as is". We make no guarantees about its content or functionality.

Liability Limitation: Flores Landscape Corp is not liable for damages related to your use of our site. This includes indirect or consequential damages.

Indemnification: You agree to protect Flores Landscape Corp from claims related to your use of our site or your content.

Severability: Invalid terms under law will be removed without affecting the rest.

Terms Variation: Flores Landscape Corp can change these Terms as needed. Regular review is advised.

Assignment: Flores Landscape Corp can transfer our rights and obligations. You cannot.

Entire Agreement: These Terms are the full agreement between Flores Landscape Corp and you regarding our site.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction: These Terms are governed by Kansas law. Disputes are resolved in Kansas courts.